Welcome to the Computer Science and Information Technology Department (CSIT)

We offer many degree and certificate programs, course work, and preparation for transfer to a four-year program of study. Please take a few moments to look through our programs, course listings, and course descriptions. We hope you’ll find something that will stimulate your interest.

If we can be of any assistance or guidance in planning your course of study or helping you choose a class, please feel free to contact us using the guide below:


newSummer Internship Opportunities

Posted 2024/12/22

newIntroduction to Machine Learning – CSCI 290

Posted 2024/11/25

newFoundations of Data Science Course – CSIT 128

Posted 2024/11/15

Feb 15, 1pm: “Meet & Greet” to see our open lab and meet the professors

Posted 2024/01/26

Meet Jose “Pepe” Tapia! Student featured in the Amazon Web Services docuseries

Watch the CSIT Department Introduction Video on YouTube

Programs, Courses, Job Opportunities, etc.

newClick on the SITE MENU link on the left side of the page

CSCI 114, 212, 222 | Data Science, Computer Science:
Contact Duy Nguyen at dnguyen@palomar.edu

CSCI 114, CSCI 130, CSCI 210 | Computer Science:
Contact Tony Smith at awsmith@palomar.edu

CSCI 112, CSIT 125 | CIS: Data Analytics, Data Science, Management Information Systems:
Contact Terrie Canon at tcanon@palomar.edu

CSIT 150, CSIT 175, CSIT 180, CSWB 120, CSWB 150 | Information Technology, Web Development:
Contact Steve Perry at sperry@palomar.edu

CSIT 105, CSWB 110, CSNT 111, 120, 121, 122, 124, 160, 161, 180, 260, 261 | Computer Network Administration, Cybersecurity, Cloud Computing (AWS):
Contact Rand Green at rgreen@palomar.edu

CSNT 110, 150, 151, 152, 153, 181, 250, 255, 280 | Cybersecurity, Cloud Computing (AWS):
Contact David Meske at dmeske@palomar.edu


Online Learning Resources

Canvas Information for Students

Discord Chat

For Chat areas related to various classes go to  Discord Chat