What are Skillshops?
Skillshops are free workshops offered by various campus departments and community partners. These workshops are designed and presented with the purpose of helping students succeed, whether it be in the classroom, at home, or in the real world, and cover a wide range of topics. Skillshops are free and open to all Palomar College students.
Our Skillshop categories include the following:
- Academic Success
- Career Exploration & Planning
- Financial Aid Assistance
- Financial Literacy
- Health & Wellness
- Peer to Peer
- Palomar Promise Student Engagement (*open to current Promise students)
- Student Life & Leadership
- Student Support Programs
- Transfer Success
How to Register?
Skillshops are offered in-person, virtual and HyFlex (online/in-person). Registration will be required to participate in each session.
- Browse the Event Calendar
- Select the Skillshop, and click on the red RSVP button. You will be taken to the Registration page.
- Fill out the pre-registration form using your Palomar student email and submit.
- Check your email. You will receive a confirmation email with the event details. If virtual, the confirmation email will include the Zoom meeting ID and passcode to join. If you don’t receive a confirmation email, then the email was entered incorrectly. Please resubmit the registration form if this occurs.
*Please make certain when filling out the registration form, you have entered your Palomar student email correctly; otherwise, you will not receive the Zoom details to join the virtual session.