Welcome to the Teaching Excellence website. This website was inspired by robust faculty discussions about teaching and learning during our college learning outcomes assessments. It was clear that a website was needed where faculty could go to find resources on assessment, effective teaching practices and teaching our college outcomes. We strive to empower instructors by helping them develop an understanding of how students learn, so that they can effectively apply and adapt teaching strategies to meet their own goals and their students’ needs. We hope you find the many resources on this website helpful for yourself as well as your students.
Highlighted Resources
Portfolium ePortfolio software now available in Canvas, Fall 2020
Canvas Course Templates for Palomar, Spring 2020!
Thanks to our CVC-OEI Pathways Grant team, we now have access to Canvas Course Templates to give us a little extra help! These templates are provided to try to alleviate some of the basic work of online course design by setting up the modules for your course, providing helpful online course success tips to your students, utilizing accessible design standards, and the templates even include helpful tips for teaching online as well! The templates were also designed to help us ensure we are meeting Title 5 requirements. Title 5 was recently updated and we are now required to design courses to ensure student-to-student interaction, previously Title 5 only included instructor-to-student interaction (for more explanation please read our Administrative Procedure 4105- Distance Education).
You are not required to use these templates, they were just created to provide a little extra help. Here’s a quick guide to show you how to access the templates: Canvas Course Templates Guide
Palomar Student Success Scavenger Hunt cards, Fall 2019
Palomar Faculty! Please distribute these cards to your students for a reward of their choosing [e.g. extra credit, stickers, etc.]. The goal is two-fold: to de-stigmatize tutoring and, simultaneously, to get our students to go out and find these services early.
Classroom Management Project, Tracy Johnston, Palomar College
Tracy Johnston, Palomar Mathematics Professor, turned her 2018 Sabbatical Project into this set of documents and resources on classroom management.
Palomar College Math Across the Curriculum
MATCH is a Palomar initiative that supports students as they progress through their programs by highlighting Numeracy, Quantitative Reasoning (QR) and Quantitative Literacy (QL) components in all disciplines. Together, we will explore the possibilities of quantitative literacy and numeracy within our disciplines.
Are we missing a really awesome Teaching Excellence resource?
Please send it to us at learningoutcomeshelp@palomar.edu